<figcaption>Design by Parabol Studio.</figcaption>
Design by Parabol Studio.

Open Call: Apply for exhibition space in 2026

The deadline for applying for exhibition in Kunstnerforbundet was 1 September 2024 and our application portal is closed. If you have applied for exhibition space, you may expect an answer to the application within the turn of the year.

We accept applications from visual artists, craft artists and duodji practitioners living in or connected to Norway and Sápmi.

Kunstnerforbundet is committed to diversity in its programming, and we encourage all professional artists to apply, regardless of education, organizational affiliation, gender, ethnic background, religion, functional ability, age and orientation. We accept applications from individual artists, artist groups and freelance curators in the visual art field.

The application consists of a project description, desired exhibition space, artist CV as well as visual documentation of previous artistic work and/or sketches for the exhibition project attaches as pictures, video and/or sound. Read the open call text carefully before you start filling in the application form. Please note the limitations on text length and the number of attachments in the online application portal.

The application is submitted via Kunstnerforbundet's online application portal within the application deadline. Applications that are not received by the deadline, or that are incomplete, will be rejected. Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications via letter, e-mail, as a PDF or in physical format.

Who evaluates the application

The jury consists of the board of Kunstnerforbundet, who, together with the director of Kunstnerforbundet, makes the professional assessments of the applications. 20 exhibition projects will be selected to be shown in Kunstnerforbundet in 2026.

The application portal opens on 1 August 2024.

Application deadline: Sunday 1 September 2024 at 12 pm.

Answers can be expected around the turn of the year.

Good luck!

→ Read more about Kunstnerforbundet and the exhibition programme.

Questions about the application?

Please get in touch with us in good time before the application deadline.

Publisert 28. juni 2024
Sist oppdatert 2. september 2024

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