On Crits and Games—and Crits as Games

I forbindelse med visning av filmen Gruppekritikken av Sille Storihle og studenter på Nordland Kunst- og Filmhøgskole på Kunstnernes hus fredag 16. september, deler vi denne artikkelen fra Parse Journal som er en samtale mellom Sille Storihle og Krabstadt Education Center.

Gruppekritikken (The Group Crit), 2022 — Sille Storihle

Sille Storihle er kunstner og jobber hovedsakelig med bevegelige bilder og publikasjoner. Fra 2012 til 2020 drev Storihle den queer-feministiske plattformen FRANK sammen med Liv Bugge. Fra 2020 til 2023 er Storihle en del av Atelier Kunstnerforbundet.

Filmen Gruppekritikken er et pedagogisk og filmatisk eksperiment – en humoristisk undersøkelse av gruppekritikken som undervisningsform. Filmen vises på Kunstnernes hus Kino i forbindelse med Oslo Kulturnatt, fredag 16. september 2022. Filmen vises kontinuerlig mellom kl. 19.00 og 22.00. Gratis inngang.

Les mer om kunstneren, filmen og filmvisningen her.

Les et utdrag fra teksten lenger nede.


The film The Group Crit by Sille Storihle and students at Nordland School of Art and Film, is a pedagogical and cinematic experiment - a humorous examination of group critique as a teaching form. The film will be shown at Kunstnernes Hus Kino as part of Oslo Culture Night Friday 16.09.22. The film is shown in a loop between 19:00 and 22:00. The entrance is free.

Sille Storihle is an artist working mainly with moving pictures and publications. From 2012 to 2020, Storihle ran the queer-feminist platform FRANK together with Liv Bugge. From 2020 to 2023, Storihle is part of Atelier Kunstnerforbundet.

In this context we would like to share the text On Crits and Games—and Crits as Games, a conversation with artist Sille Storihle and Krabstadt Education Center, originally published in Parse Journal.

Read more about the film, the artist and the screening here.

Read an excerpt from the conversation here:

On Crits and Games—and Crits as Games

KEC: With the Krabstadt Education Center we want to think of arts education and its infrastructure in a way that allows for playful and experimental tactics and methods. Your latest film project is made using live-action role-play to construct a group critique situation in an art and film school. Our first question is: What is a “crit” for you?

SS: The crit class might be an enigma to people who have never been to art school. Put in the most simplified way, a crit is a situation in which a student shares their work and in return receives feedback from their fellow students and teacher. It is a central, and dominant, pedagogical structure in contemporary arts education. Despite it being a dominant framework for learning in art school, I find it has not been thoroughly reshaped in accordance with the current political questions crucial to educating artists today.


SS: As a student I was baffled by the “group crit experience,” because any discussion on why and how we do crits was absent. It was a hierarchical situation in which the professors had the power to either boost or bust students’ work. The educational environment did to a minor degree help me understand my own and my fellow students’ work, but the meaning was mostly created through professors’ gaze. So given this entangled power dynamics, I am increasingly interested in asking “What is a crit?” prior to conducting one. This leads me to ask: Does your definition of a “crit” differ from mine, and how do you structure your crit class?

Les hele samtalen på Parse Journal her / Read the complete article here.

Publisert 16. september 2022
Sist oppdatert 16. september 2022

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