Foto: Ellen Palmeira
26.03.22, kl. 12:00

Performance med Fernanda Branco

I forbindelse med Kiyoshi Yamamotos utstilling Beyond the Fantastic, vil kunstner Fernanda Branco ha en performance i utstillingsrommet gjennom galleriets åpningstid. Performancen fremføres to ganger: lørdag 19. mars og lørdag 26. mars kl. 12.00-16.00.

Fernanda Branco (f. 1974, Brasil) er performancekunstner fra Brasil, bosatt i Norge siden 2006. Branco opererer i grenseland mellom avantgarde-teater, dans, installasjon og performancekunst - nylig orientert rundt "langstrakte" performancer. Hennes hybridarbeider orienteres rundt symbiotiske relasjoner mellom kropp og stemme og forener land art, øko-perspektiver, samt "ikkekategoriserbare" kunstneriske uttrykk. Tross ulike medium, har Brancos praksis imidlertid gjennomgående forankring i organiske materialer og levende materie.

Branco er stipendiat ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KHIO), avdeling for teater, og har bakgrunn som gartner.

Kunstnerforbundet er ikke universelt utformet, men vi arbeider med et prosjekt som skal bedre tilgangen til bygget. Ta gjerne kontakt dersom du har spørsmål om dette.

Foto: Ellen Palmeira


In connection to the exhibition Beyond the Fantastic by Kiyoshi Yamamoto, the artist Fernanda Branco will have a performance in the exhibition space during the opening hours. The performance will happen twice: on Saturday March 19th and Saturday March 26th, from 12.00 pm to 16.00 pm

Environment embodiment- relational presence

Navigating between presence and absence, the performative body explores dialogs in a relational interconnectivity with the bodies of work of the exhibition. These dialogs are ways of exploring different activations in the space, based on an active listening of agencies of the gallery room environment and each body of work.

This performance is part of Fernanda Branco’s artistic research project Environment embodiment – towards enchanted narratives, also exploring ways of artistic collaboration.

Fernanda Branco (b. 1974, Brazil) is a performer from Brazil, based in Norway since 2006. Her work has been crossing boundaries between avant-garde theater and dance. However, with the years, her work can now be placed in the fields of performance art. Branco's hybrid work approaches a co-relation between body and voice - with a recent exploration of long duration performances. In addition to her education in gardening, Branco's artistic work relates to land art, eco-perspectives and artistic expressions that have no label, yet a deep connection with organic materials, living matters.

Branco is currently a research fellow at Kunsthøgskolen in Oslo (KHIO), and has a background in gardening.

Photo: Ellen Palmeira

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