Marianne Heske

Mountain of the mind (2010) — Marianne Heske
Silence (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
Winter scenery (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
I en tråd (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2010) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2010) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Gulløve (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Sound and silence (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Dukkehoder (2011) — Marianne Heske
Runde, Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2010) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2008) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the mind (2010) — Marianne Heske
oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2011) — Marianne Heske
Mountain of the Mind (2011) — Marianne Heske

Marianne Heske er en utradisjonell kunstner som skaper kunst ved å koble sammen ny teknologi og natur. Sitt internasjonale gjennombrudd fikk hun med såkalte computermalerier. Dette er malerier som har sitt utgangspunkt i videoopptak av landskaper. Opptakene blir så digitalisert, eller overført til datamaskin. Ut i fra dette materialet lages enorme panoramabilder. Heske har deltatt på utstillinger rundt om i hele verden (

The National College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway 1967-71
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France 1971-75
Royal College of Art, London, England 1975-76
Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, Holland 1976-79

Selected Solo Exhibitions
Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France 1973
Galleri F15, Moss, Norway 1978
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Holland 1978
Henie-Onstad Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway 1981
Galleri Sct. Agnes, Roskilde, Denmark 1982
Galerie Art Contemporain J&J Donguy, Paris, France 1984
Galleri Doktor Glas, Stockholm, Sweden 1985
Henie-Onstad Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway 1986
Galleri Ojens, Gothenburg, Sweden 1987
Galleri J.M.S., Oslo, Norway 1989
Le Lieu, Québec, Canada 1989
Naham Contemporary, New York, USA 1990
P.S.1, The Clock Tower Gallery, New York, USA 1990
Galerie J.& J. Donguy, Paris, France 1991
Porin Art Museum, Pori, Finland 1992
Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany 1993
Art Museum of Düsseldorf in Ehrenhof, Düsseldorf, Germany 1993
Bergen International Art Festival, Norway 1993
Galleri Wang, Oslo, Norway 1994
Gallerie J&J Donguy, Paris, France 1995
Galerie Benden & Klimczak, Cologne, Germany 1998
«Werkstatt Europa 2000» with the installation «Trollvideo»,
Forum Kunst, Rottweil, Germany 2000
World exhibition EXPO 2000, Hannover, Germany 2000
“To Whom it may concern”, The Museum of Contemporary
Art, Oslo, Norway 2002
“Pluss Minus Zero”, Henie Onstad Museum of Modern
Art, Oslo, Norway 2002
“Trollene på Finnskogen”, Finnskog, Norway 2002
Molde International Jazz Festival, Festival exhibition 2004
Solo Exhibitions
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai 2004
“Illuminations”, National Library of Norway 2005
“A Dolls House”, Gallery Kaare Berntsen, Oslo, Norway/
The National Museum, Oslo, Norway 2006
“Leo the Lion”, Bollywood Film Festival, Mumbai, India 2006
Hå Gamle Prestegård, Stavanger, Capital of Culture 2008 2008
Peer Gynt-festival, Vinstra, Norway 2008
Fort Jesus, Mombasa, The National Museums of Kenya 2010
Petrification of STONE STORY, Tafjord, Norway 2010
“Heaven & Earth”, Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway 2010-11
“Overlys”, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway 2011

Selected Group Exhibitions
«Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs»,
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France 1975
«Video International» , Aarhus Art Museum, Denmark 1976
«Life Styles», Institute of Contemporary Art, London, England 1976
Video and Film Manifestatie,
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Holland 1977
Henie-Onstad Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway 1978
«International Impact Art Festival»,
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Japan 1980
«London Video Arts», ACME Gallery, London, England 1980
«Experimental Environment», Reykjavik, Iceland 1980
«Dialogue on Contemporary Art in Europe»,
Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal 1985
«Norealis», DAAD Galerie, Berlin, Germany 1986
«Olympiad of Art»,
Mueum of Modern Art, Seoul, South-Korea 1988
«International Impact Art festival»,
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Japan 1989
«Voyage Pittoresque»,
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway 1991
«7 Cities, 7 Countries», Leuwarden, Holland 1991
«Il Paesaggio Culturale»,
Palazzio delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy 1992
«Winterland», Munich/Germany, Barcelona/Spain,
Tokyo/Japan and Atlanta/USA 1994
«Project for Europe», Copenhagen, Denmark 1994
«At the Century`s End»,
National Museum of Women in the Arts,
Washington D.C., USA 1995
«west of the moon»,
Astrup- Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway 1995
Seoul International Art Festival, Seoul, South-Korea 1995
Nordic Art Center, Helsinki, Finland 1996
«Aquilo», Museum Moderner Kunst, Samlung Ludwig,
Wien, Austria 1995
«Aquilo», Museo d’Arte Moderna, Bologna/Italy 1996
«Electra», Henie-Onstad Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway 1997
«Open 999»,
International Sculpture Festival, Lido-Venice, Italy 1999
“Sub Rosa”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark 2000
“A dolls house”, Henie Onstad Art Centre,
Oslo, Norway 2002
“Mirage”, Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou, China 2002
“Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival”,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2003
“Is it art?”, Xian, China 2004
“Open Asia”,
International Sculpture Festival, Lido-Venice, Italy 2004
“New Creative Vanguard”,
Advance Art Center,
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai 2004
KUBE Museum, Ålesund, Norway 2005
“Norge”, Contemporary Landscapes from the Collection of
Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway,
Scandinavia House, New York, USA 2005
“The Basic Exhibition”, The National Museum of Art, Design and
Architecture, Oslo, Norway 2005
“Two Asias, Two Europes”,
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai 2005
“Icebreaker”, Galleri GAD, Oslo 2006
“Post Nora”, Bejing, Ibsen Year 2006 2006
“Nicht nur Lachs und Würstchen”, Norwegian Technological
Museum, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Berlin, Leipzig 2006-08
”To Live With Contemporary Art”, Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway 2007
“Talking About Painting”, The National
Museum of Art, Design and Architecture, Oslo, Norway 2007
“Art 4”, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Oslo, Norway 2007
The 5TH Uiwang International Placard Art Festival, Korea 2007
“Only Colours”, Chateau La Roche-Vernaise, France 2007
“The Mountain in Norwegian Art”, Henie Onstad Art Centre,
Oslo, Norway 2008
The Kistefos Museum, Jevnaker, Norway 2008
Lofoten International Art Festival, LIAF,Svolvær, Norway 2008
The Festival of North Norway, Harstad Art Center 2008
Biennale des Couvets, Gallerie Le Lieu, Quebec, Canada 2008
The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad, Norway 2008
“Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia?”,
Office for Contemporary Art (OCA), Oslo, Norway 2008-09
“Kunsten å falle”, Preus Museum, Horten, Norway 2009
Statens Høstutstilling, Oslo, Norway 2009
”Blodig alvor”, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Bergen, Norway 2010
”God natt da du…” Surrealism in Norwegian Art,
Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway 2010
“Norse Soul”, Katzen Art Center, American University
Museum, Washington DC, USA 2010
“Goddesses”, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and
Design, Oslo, Norway 2010
“Absolutt installasjon”, The National Museum of Art,
Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway 2011
“Retrospective. Film and Video Art in Norway, 1960-90”,
Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway 2011

Selected Collections
Shanghai City Art Collection, China.
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Holland.
H.R.M. Queen Sonjas Art Collection, Norway
The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway
Henie-Onstad Art Centre, Oslo, Norway.
The National Gallery of Oslo, Norway.
Ville de Paris, France.
Bibliothéque Nationale de Paris, France.
The Museum of modern Art, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.
The Nordic Graphical Union.
Nordisk konstsentrum, Helsinki, Finland.
Norwegian counsil for cultural affairs.
Bergen Art Gallery, Norway.
City of Oslo Art Collections, Norway
Malmo Museum of Modern Art, Sweden
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, China
Parc de la Villette, Paris, France
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
The Kistefos Museum, Norway
Preus Photo Museum, Horten, Norway
Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway
Tor Juul Collection, Norway

School of Health- and Social studies, Stavanger, Norway 1993
Amoco, Stavanger, Norway 1994
Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway 1997
Mannheller tunnel, Sogn og Fjordande, Norway 1995
Radiance of the Seas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Norway 2000
Tønsberg Cultural Center, Tønsberg, Norway 2001
Sogn og Fjordane Countycounsil , Norway 2003
Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, Norway 2003
Shell/Hydro, Ormen Lange Gas Terminal, Aukra,
Møre og Romsdal 2005
Kirkelund primary school, Skiptvet, Østfold 2007
Rauma Cultural Center, Åndalsnes, Norway 2007
Luster Savings Bank, Norway 2008

Biennales / World Exhibition
Biennale de Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France 1980
Project “Gjerdeløa”
Biennale di Venezia, Nordic Pavillion, Venice, Italy 1986
23rd International Biennal of Sâo Paulo, Brazil 1996
Norwegian Pavillion, World Exhibition EXPO 2000,
Hannover, Germany 2000

“Vakre Vegers Pris” 1997 for Mannheller tunnel,
Sogn og Fjordane, Norway 1997
Nominated for ZKM (Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie)
Media Prize, Germany, for the video
“A Phrenological Self-Portrait” 2005
Axel Waldemar Johannessens Pris 2006
Ingerid Fegerstens stiftelse, Billedkunstprisen 2006 2006

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