Beathe C. Rønning

Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning
Scene III, Sitron og sykketter (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning
Nyere norsk historie /Recent History II (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning
Virkelighet / Reality Light (2001) — Beathe C. Rønning
Metallisk blå / Metallic blue (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning
Drømmeskjema / Dream form (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2013) — Beathe C. Rønning

Født 1968

1997-1999 Royal Danish Art Academy, Art & Theory department, Copenhagen, Denmark
1993-1997 Vestlandets Art Academy, now KHIB, Bergen, Norway
1995 Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Kunste, Städelschule, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
1993 Art history, University of Bergen, Norway

2013 August: Kultur & Fritid/Culture & Leisure, soloshow in Vindussalen, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2013 October: Meditasjoner over arbeid/Meditations on work, soloshow, three channel videowork, Utsikten Kunstsenter, Kvinesdal
2013 June: Figurer i leire/Figures in clay at Wutherings Heights II, Oslo – see also
2013 Feb-May: W17, studio recidency programme at Kunstnernes Hus feb-may. Open studio exhibition.

2012 Gi meg fred, la meg fly/Leave me in peace, let me fly, photographic series in the form of a handprinted book, binded at Julius Ørenberg Bokbinderi, edition 25
2010 Places like this/Sådanne steder – Fabrikken for kunst, København
2009 Folk & Ting/People & Things online at in collaboration with
2008 Gjenreisningsmuseet and Arts Council Norway
2008 Feltarbeid/Field work, Akershus University Hospital, Collab. with Tone Hansen.
2008 Konkretiseringer/Being Specific, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
2005 10% citizen – digital work for Utsmykkingsfondet/Art in Public Buildings
2000 Lifting Bergen, Gallery By the Way, Bergen
2000 Chaka bom chaka bom chaka hoi/Standard Quality, Overgaden, Copenhagen 2000
1999 Everything is different this year, Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen 1999

2011 Sannsynligheter, Small Projects, Tromsø
2011 Sammen om det? In this together? - Remaking public intimacy, (art & research)
KIT gallery, TRH
2008 From (w)hore to shore Art work for magazine B-post
2005 Digital Stories, PNEK/Per Platou (
2004 Charlottenborg Autumn Exibition, Copenhagen
2004 LocalConnection, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2003 NB:-let us meet, NorreBro, Copenhagen
2003, billboard show in Copenhagen and Malmö
2001 Lifting Lejre/Camp Lejre
2000 Untitled Art Work for magazine Frotté (NO)
2000 e-Motion Picture, Galleri f-15, Jeløy
2000 PlotWhatPlot, install: «Is that really you, God?», Young Artist Society, Oslo
1999 Everybody Look This, Art Assoc. Gml. Strand, Copenhagen
1998 Untitled Momentum, public spaces, Moss
1998 Untitled Art Work for printed matter PistProtta (DK)
1998 Untitled, installation «Biennale South», Sørlandets Art Museum, Kristiansand
1996 OK «ElectraVideo», Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Oslo

2013 Norden og Europa/The North and Europe, Jørgen Bukdahl (DK 1945). Presenting two work in new edition of the book, Kunstakademiets Forlag, Copenhagen
2012 Sammen om det? In this together? Tapir Akademisk Forlag feb 2012
2009-2012 Sensor at National Academy of Art/KHIO – Bachelor of fine art
2009-2013 Master tutor at the academy of fine arts, Trondheim
2003-2005 Tutor at Rogaland Art School, Stavanger

Royal Danish Art Academy, Copenhagen; Vestlandets Art Academy, Bergen; National Academy of Art, Oslo; College of Art, Dublin

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