Lewis & Taggart

Composition for three or more triangles (Mouthpiece) (2016) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Cohen Koan) (2017) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Cohen Koan) (2017) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Mouthpiece) (2016) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Mouthpiece) (2016) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three and more triangles (Conversation Piece) (2016) — Lewis & Taggart
Triangle Piece (2015) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Line Piece II) (2017) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Tired Eyes) (2017) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three and more triangles (Conversation Piece) (2016) — Lewis & Taggart
Composition for three or more triangles (Line Piece II) (2017) — Lewis & Taggart
Triangle Piece (2015) — Lewis & Taggart

Andrew Taggart and Chloe Lewis are Canadian visual artists who have worked within the collaborative framework of Lewis & Taggart since 2006. In 2010, they received a joint MFA from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, and their work has since been exhibited at venues such as Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; Tegnerforbundet, Oslo; Entrée, Bergen; Syntax, Lisbon; ISCP, New York City; Cricoteka, Krakow; The Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; and Kunstverein Leipzig. In 2010, they established the Museum of Longing and Failure (MOLAF), an experimental artistic platform that takes shape through an ongoing sculptural conversation with fellow artists.

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