English summary
Oslo Culture Night and Oslo Art Weekend at Kunstnerforbundet
Kunstnerforbundet participates in Oslo Art Weekend 14-17 September and Oslo Culture Night on Friday 15 September. Our program for the weekend consists of exhibition opening, seminar, extended opening hours and artist talks.
Thursday 14 September
18:00–20:00: Exhibition opening: Marit Tingleff, Sjur Eide Aas and Tomas Colbengtson.
Friday 15 September
12:00–16:00: Seminar: The Arts and the Academia, Domus Bibliotheca, the University of Oslo.
11:00–21:00: Extended opening hours in Kunstnerforbundet.
17:00: Guided tour with Oslo Art Weekend. Kvadraturen: Kunstnerforbundet – Billedkunstnerne i Oslo – Oslo Kunstforening. Join the tour.
Saturday 16 September
14:00: Artist talk with Marit Tingleff and dr. Tanya Harrod.
15:00: Artist talk with Tomas Colbengtson and dr. Liisa-Rávná Finbog.
Sunday 17 September
12:00: Guided tour with Oslo Art Weekend. Kvadraturen: LNM – SOFT – Kunstnerforbundet. Join the tour.
The events are free and open to all. The seminar and the guided tours require preregistration, please click the links above.
Oslo Culture Night, Friday 15 September 2023
Oslo Culture Night (Oslo kulturnatt) is the city’s tribute to and showcase of Oslo’s rich and diverse cultural scene. Hundreds of venues open their doors with free entry, to create something unique and special for you to experience throughout the night.
→ Read the programme for Oslo Culture Night.
Oslo Art Weekend, 14-17 September 2023
Oslo Art Weekend is an annual spotlighting event dedicated to Oslo’s contemporary art scene, taking place in September every year. With a programme of exhibition and events including extended visiting hours, artist talks, performances, and openings, Oslo Art Weekend offers a unique opportunity to explore Oslo’s art scene – all for free!
→ Guided tours with Oslo Art Weekend.
→ Read the programme for Oslo Art Weekend.