Marie Buskov

Untitled (Volatile Views) (2008) — Marie Buskov
Open Circkle, Closed Solid (2020) — Marie Buskov
Open Circkle, Closed Solid (2020) — Marie Buskov
Open Circkle, Closed Solid (2020) — Marie Buskov
Open Circkle, Closed Solid (2020) — Marie Buskov
Uten tittel (2017) — Marie Buskov
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2013) — Marie Buskov
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2013) — Marie Buskov
Across Surface XII (2015) — Marie Buskov
Collage av akvarell (2015) — Marie Buskov
Untitled (Volatile Views) (2008) — Marie Buskov
U.t (2009) — Marie Buskov

Born 1980 in Randers, Denmark
Lives and works in Oslo

2007–2009 Master of Fine Arts, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2005–2007 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2001–2007 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

2020 The Weaver's Stroke, Galleri Riis, Oslo
2020 Open Circle, Closed Solid, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2019 Metafysica, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg
2019 This Particular Space, Galleri Riis, Oslo (Solo)
2018 Buskov / Gratrix, Prosjektrom Normanns, Stavanger
2017 Marie Buskov velger seg Anna-Eva Bergman, Oslo Kunsthandel (Solo)
2016 Stille skala, Elephant Kunsthall, Lillehammer (Solo)
2015 Foldet Perspektiv, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo (Solo)
2015 NN-A, NN-A, NN-A, Ny Norsk Abstraksjon, Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo
2013 Window, Figures, Leaves, Kunsterforbundet, Oslo (Solo)
2012 Sparebankstiftelsen DNB NOR Stipendutstilling, Oslo Kunstforening
2011 Packed!, Tenthaus, Oslo
2009 One Hundred Years, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2009 Graduation Show, MA, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo
2008 Alone in the Dark, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2008 Tell all the Truth but tell it slant, Success in Circuit lies, fanzine published by Torpedo Press
2006 Dialoger, Galleri 21:24 og 21:25, Oslo
2003 Forårsudstillingen 2003, Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning, København

Sola Church (Nye Sola Kirke), 2020
Buøy skole, 2020
Sortland Firestation, 2019
Porsgrunn Church (Nye Østre Porsgrunn Church) (with Espen Dietrichson), 2019
Kriminalomsorgen (KORO, Public Art Norway), 2017
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (University of South-Eastern Norway), Campus Porsgrunn (KORO, Public Art Norway), 2017

The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo
Sørlandets kunstmuseum, Kristiansand
Lillehammer kunstmuseum, Lillehammer
City of Oslo Art Collection, Oslo
Norges Bank, Oslo
Utenriksdepartementet, Oslo
Kunst på arbeidsplassen, Oslo

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