Eirik Senje

Ecce Homo (#21) (2017) — Eirik Senje
Sensibilitet (forestilt som observatørparadoks) (2016) — Eirik Senje
Oppriktighet (forstudie) (2016) — Eirik Senje
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2018) — Eirik Senje
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2018) — Eirik Senje
Ecce Homo (#22) (2017) — Eirik Senje
Ecce Homo (#21) (2017) — Eirik Senje
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2018) — Eirik Senje
Ecce Homo (#30) (2017) — Eirik Senje
Sentiment III (2017) — Eirik Senje
Ecce Homo (#40) (2017) — Eirik Senje
Oversiktsbilde fra utstillingen (2018) — Eirik Senje

Born 1982

2010-2012 Master Fine Art, Oslo National Academy of Fine Art
Autumn 2011, AVU, Prague
2007-2010 Bachelor Fine Art, Oslo National Academy of Fine Art
2005-2007 Bergen Art School (KiB)
2002-2004 University of Bergen, history and philosophy

Coming projects
2016 Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo (group)
2016 Seljord Kunstforening, Seljord (group)
2016 Elephant Kunsthall, Lillehammer (solo)
2016 “A Collective Psychogeogeographical Guide to Oslo”, collaboration with Ottar Karlsen & Ida Følling with Tegneforbundet, Oslo, 2016 (exhibition project)

Solo exhibitions
2016 1857 / Paramount Ranch
2015 Sentiment, Trafo Kunsthall, Asker
2015 Everything Else, Noplace, Oslo
2014 Permanent Vacancy, One Night Only, Oslo
2014 One-person Show and Reclining Inclination, Tidens Krav, Oslo
2012 Your Strangely Familiar Customs are Alien to Us, Please Consider Revealing the Secret of Their Significance, Holodeck, Oslo
2011 (…) finally we will have the personal freedom needed to produce thorough descriptions for all the things we feel should ought to have them, Premiss, Bergen
2010 Selected Musings on the Relative Lack of Space Between Your Ears, 21:25, Oslo
2008 Don’t Rock the Boat, One Night Only, Oslo
2008 SPACE INVADERS, 21:24, Oslo

Group shows
2015 Walk Like a Giant, QB Gallery, Oslo
2015 Winter Studio /Hansplassen, KUBE Museum of Art, Ålesund (curated by Andreas Siqueland / Elida Linge)
2014 Summer Slumber Super Salon, Demon’s Mouth, Oslo
2014 En kollektiv kraftanstrengelse for tapte saker, Podium, Oslo (curated by Ottar Karlsen / Ida Følling)
2014 The National Autun Exhibition #126, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2014 Wuthering Heights II, Norsk Billedhoggerforening, Oslo (curated by Sara Christensen / Merete Dille)
2013 Le Flair de L’Air, James-Simon-Park/ISI, Berlin (curated by Marcus Weber / Gunter Reski)
2011 Art in Public Spaces – Action I (Iceberg, Oslo
2011 Christian Sublime Tony and Friends, One Night Only, Oslo (curated by Christian Tony Norum)
2010 -Akademi;, Oslo National Academy of Fine Art, Oslo (curated by Dag Erik Elgin)
2010 ONO vs UKS, One Night Only, Oslo (curated by Muhammed Fadlabi)
2010 Bachelors at Large, Tullinløkka Kunsthall, Oslo (bachelor degree show)
2009 You Know These Days, Painted by Umbrellas, Museet for Samtidskunst, Oslo (curated by Gunter Reski)
2009 Album #2 plus exhibition, 0047, Oslo, (curated by Elise Storsveen & Eline Mugaas)

2013 “Winter Studio”, Lingebakken, Valdal, Sunnmøre

Other projects
2014- Kazachenko’s Apartment (exhibition space, with Roderick Hietbrink / Maarten Sleeuwits / Nora Turato / Nicholas Riis)
2011 Malmøgata Fine Arts Project Space, Oslo (project / exhibition space)
2011 The Educational Art Show”, MFAPS, Oslo, (exhibition project)
2008-2010 One Night Only, Oslo (exhibition space, with Muhammed Fadlabi)

Writing / publication
2014 The Fundamental Part of Any Act, Mousse Magazine #45, (contribution, with Steinar Haga Kristensen and Valentinas Klimas?auskas)
2013 Utflukt Vinterkortnummer 2013 “Antiform (contribution, edited by Ingrid Kvamme Fredriksen and Ragnhild Aamås)
2013 The Happy Fainting of Painting, (contribution, edited by Gunter Reski and Marcus Weber)

2016 Oslo Kommune stipend for young/newly established artists
2016 BKV project support
2015 BKV project support
2014 Arts Council Exhibition grant for young artists
2014 BKV project support
2012 BKH MA student grant
2011 BKH MA student grant

2014 Assistant director, “The Loneliness of the Index Finger (Part II): The Specialization of Sensibility in the Raw Conceptual State into Stabilized Theatrical Sensibility (Consensus Image)” by Steinar Haga Kristensen, Oslo City Hall
2014 Fresco production assistant, “The Loneliness of the Index Finger (Part II): The Specialization of Sensibility in the Raw Conceptual State into Stabilized Theatrical Sensibility (Consensus Image)” by Steinar Haga Kristensen, Oslo City Hall

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