Lotte Konow Lund

Thorvald Erichsen (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Marte Aas (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Elisabeth Mathisen (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Per Christian Brown (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
No brain, no gain (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Atelier (2010) — Lotte Konow Lund
Herman Mbamba (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Ivan Galuzin (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Thorvald Erichsen (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Bendik Riis (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Images from the inside (2013) — Lotte Konow Lund
Atelier (2010) — Lotte Konow Lund
Bendik Riis (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund
Edvard Munch (2011) — Lotte Konow Lund

1993-97 The National Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo
1995 Chelsea Academy of Fine Arts, London
1992-93 Kunstskolen i Rogaland
1991-92 Oslo tegne og malerskole

2011 “Etter bildet”, Kunstnerforbundet
2011 Vigelandsmuseet
2011 Kunstnerforbundet 100-årsjubileum
2009 Porsgrunn Kunstforening (upcoming)
2008 Gallery Bouhlou, Bergen
2007 What has been shown cannot be said, Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway*
2006 By the Way, The Goldrush Deposit (Lund og Leivestad)
2005Let it Go, Galleri Bouloh, Bergen
Let it Go, Galleri Wang, Oslo
2002 Lotte Konow Lund, IASKA, International Art Space, Kellerberrin, Australia
2001 Solitude for many, Galleri Wang, Oslo
Lotte Konow Lund, Wohnmachine, Berlin
2000 Yet another victory that makes me smaller, Galleri Brandstrup, Stavanger
1999 Video Works 98/99, Galleri Wang, Oslo*
1998 Lotte Konow Lund in 101 parts, Galleri Wang, Oslo
Crazy for you, Galleri G.I., Oslo
1997 I know 100 ways to be a good girl, Galleri G.I., The National Theatre, Oslo*
Kjærleikseid, Galleri M3, Oslo

2012 “Prisme: Tegning fra 1990-2012”, Museet for samtidskunst, Nasjonalmuseet
2010 Frauenlieben und leben - Den Norske Opera & Ballett, et synestetisk samarbeide med Hege Høiseter (mezzosopran) og Ole Henrik Moe (komponist)
2009 Northwave - en publikasjon om nordisk videokunst med visning under åpningen av Venezia biennalen*
2008 I dialog med Balke Galleri Bouhlou, Bergen
Without end no state of drawingness, Galleri Gann Sandnes
Drawing, Galleri Gann, Stavanger, Norway
Shifting Schisms, Galleri Rekord
2007 MEGA shop in St Petersburg, Russia.
Culture Factory Korjaamo, screening
Cinema K-Suns, Riga, Lettland screening
Destroy Athens 1st Athens Biennale, Athens*
2006 Hit The North, Nordic Film And Videoart, Filmhuset, Stockholm
The annual autumn exhibition
Blekinge Museum
Tank TV web screening, Curator Philine von Guretzky
The Drawing Biennale, 10th year anniversary, Stenersen Museum, Oslo
2005 The Nordic Light Festival, Glasgow, Scottland
Line Up, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark
Goda Grannar, Norrköpings Museum of Modern Art, Sweden
Passed Future-, Kunstnersenteret Møre og Romsdal, Molde, Norway
Munch revisited, Henie Onstad Kunstnersenter, oslo
Norske bilder, Rådhusgalleriet, Oslo
2004 Videozone, Tel Aviv, Israel
2003 Rest in Space/Berlin, The Kunstlerhouse Bethanien, Berlin
Cinema Paradiso, Galleri Charlotte Lund, Stockholm
2002 Collectors item, Galleri F-15, Moss
Contemporary Art and Video, Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Borås Konstmuseum, Norrköpings Art Museum, Norrköping
Rest in Space, Kunstnerenes Hus, Oslo*
Extreme Existence, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York*
Three in One, Essor Gallery Project Space, London (with Wohnmachine, Berlin)
Norwegian Slacker Drawing, Drammen\’s Museum, Norway*
2001 Kunst und Kur. Ästethik der Arholung, Kunsthaus Meran, Meran
Blick Festival, Touring exhibition, org. by Nifca, Helsinki*
Error one, Art and Media Centre, Berlin Adlershof
2000 Schpaa – Du har ikke en sjans! – Ta`en!, Den Frie Utstilling, Copenhagen*
Cross Female, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin*
eMotion Picture, Galleri F15, Moss*
Oslo Open, Henie Onstad Kunstersenter, Oslo cooperation with Gardar Eide Einarsson
1999 Kvie, Bergmann and Lund, Galleri Brandstrup, Moss
The Family Show, various galleries/museums in Sweden*
1998 Fellessentralen, Cultural Production in Norway in The Nineties, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo*
Five Young Artists in dialog with Kitaj, The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo
The Free Arts, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo*
Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
The Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad
1997 Screens, Trondheim
The other Arts, UKS, Oslo
Bergen Film Festival, Bergen
I’ll never be hungry again, The Annual Fall Exhibition, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
1995 Bergen Ginseng, Gallery Otto Plonk, Bergen
Library, Gallery Otto Plonk, Bergen
Articulations, The Drawing Association, Oslo
1994 Where are we now, UKS, Oslo

2002 IASKA, Kellerberrin, West Australia
2001 NIFCA Malongen; Stockholm

2008 Statens Garantiintekt for kunstnere
2008 Royal Carribbean Arts grant
2005, 2006 Vederlagfondets stipend
2000 Ingrid Linback Langaards Legat
1999 Rangnar Forsbergs stipend for leger og kunstnere
1997, 2000 Statens stipend

2002 Statens stipend for yngre kunstnere 2 årig

2008 The National Museum of Art, Norway
2002 Bergen Art Museum, Bergen
2001 The National Gallery, Oslo
1998 The National Museum of Contemporary Art
1998 Norwegian Council of Cultural Affairs

2010 Kulturhus i Quala, Azerbadsjan, Kuratert av Catrin Lundquist
2010 Halden Fengsel
2007 Landing, E6,Råde 175 meter piece of landart. With architect Hedda Leivestad, Silsand Youth Facility
2003 The Post House (Posthuset), Oslo. Installation that vertically goes through two triplexes or six floors.

2003- Member of board BONO
1996-1997 Radio Orakel
1996-2007 The founding of Galleri G.I.- A gallery without a gallery space, where the space would be moved as a consequence of each piece exibithed
1994-1997 St. Olavs Fond. A student Foundation, made to support crossover actions and cooperations

2007 Interview with Margarita Terekhova, about her parts in A. Tarkovskijs Mirror. (a videopiece)
1997 The abject, Interview with Paul McCarthy UKS forum 1997
2000 Interview with Lawrence Wieiner, with Stian Grøgaard presented in Grøgaards book: The vague object

2009- Førstamanuensis at KHIO, Kunstfag
2005-2009 Teacher at Kunsthøyskolen in Oslo, Kunstfag
2003- Guest teacher and Lecturer at The National Academy of arts, Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen
2003- Strykejernet Art School, Project teacher, 1-2 times a year
1997- National Academy of fine arts
2003-2004 Substitute for Michael O’Donnell Art Academy of Oslo - Group Tutorial
2001 Project Manager for Art in School, under former Art in public
1996-1998 Hansen & Lund a cooperation with Curator Tone Hansen, to get experience on teaching and curating

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